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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Non-Profit Markets with Online Viral Video To Raise Money

In an article from the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal (, Chris Newmarker shares how United Way is using online video to spread a viral campaign to raise money.

Go to to see the extremely simple, effective and touching video. There is no narration, so it is suitable for hearing impaired viewers. It was a low cost project that did not break their budget.

The idea is for viewers to give only $5 to help their local neighbors who are struggling with disaster due to the economy, and then to share the video with 5 friends. A quote from the article states:

“Giving trends show that young people, in particular, are more likely to give small donations online that respond to immediate causes,” said Randi Yoder, senior vice president of donor relations for the Greater Twin Cities United Way.

Think of ways that you can emulate this particular strategy of marketing with audio and video. What short message (this is only 1 minute 20 seconds long) can you share that packs a punch and quickly gets the point across? Are you including a "call to action" clearly throughout and especially at the end of the video? Are you asking for word of mouth referrals?

Please share examples of other videos (created by you or by others) that follow this formula, and how they were received by viewers.


  1. I watched the United Way video and thought is was simply marvelous. What a GREAT example of a simple, yet effective video.

    Everyone involved with producing that video should get a big pat on the back!

  2. Lorraine, most people erroneously think that everything has to be fancy and hi-tech. However, this video shows that a short, to the point message delivered simply can be more powerful than a video filled with effects. I agree - truly wonderful!


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