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Monday, March 9, 2009

Career & Stress Management Shows - Marketing With Audio And Video

This is the entire hour long audio recording from the Marketing With Audio And Video Show. For those of you who want to hear it all, this is it.

Colette Ellis of Competent Advantage ( uses her show as an extension of her professional development program, which helps clients identify their strengths and position themselves for new opportunities. The show explores real life challenges that her clients have experienced. She shares how she started her podcast, why she does it, issues she had to face and her plans for the future.

We had TONS of questions and comments from listeners, and it was a fabulous time had by all. Subjects included:
  1. What is a widget?
  2. What is an RSS feed?
  3. What is the difference between a blog and a podcast?
  4. What is a mashup?
One of our guests mentioned a new tool/widget that he has added to his sites which I promised to share the link with everyone else - I took a quick look at it, and it definitely bears some more investigation. Looks cool!

As always, this show is brought to you by Penny Haynes and the - simple software and personal assistance to help you create and post audio and video to the internet.

If you want to learn more about how to market with audio and video, I encourage you to check out "101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business)". Get your free 30-page excerpt at