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Friday, January 30, 2009

Simple Video Shows vs. Complicated Videos, Marketing With Audio And Video

In this last excerpt from the Marketing With Audio And Video show with Andrew Lock of, we talk about the difference between creating simple and complicated videos, and how you don't have to do anything complicated to create a popular show. We take a look at Gary Vaynerchuk's wildly popular Wine Library TV as an example - one camera, one shot, 20 minutes, and he's done - and nobody's complaining about it. Maybe because he's worth $50 million???

I've started a new contest to help motivate people to share the free 30-page excerpt from "101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business)". I'm giving away over $6,000 worth of prizes just for helping me spread the word about the book. Everyone has a chance to win something. For more information, go to

Get Sales Information PLUS over $2200+ in bonuses INCLUDING 30 days of help from me

I don't do this kind of stuff - you guys should know enough about me by now. But Terri Levine is a sales MACHINE. This woman KNOWS how to sell, from small to (especially impressive) HUGE price points. If you want to learn the secret (I hate that word, but effective sales IS a secret to most of us, including to me) of making sales, then Terri would be the woman to learn from.

The bottom line is that she just released a book called Sell Without Selling: Lessons from the Jungle for Sales Success. It's ONLY $11.86 - that's it. At that price, even stingy ME will buy it, which is the only reason why I am participating in the promotion of this book. I won't tell you about it unless I'm willing to buy it myself and I think it is a great value.

And if you are someone who loves value and lots of bonuses, this book comes with over $2250 worth of bonuses. Part of that value is 30 days of help from me with your audio and video projects. That's right, if you haven't signed up for the Commercial Creation Center yet, which is where I offer personal assistance along with my simple software to help you create and market with audio and video, then this would be the perfect time to give it a shot.

In addition, you will get my 30 page excerpt from "101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business)", which will give you a ton of information about what to do with your audio and video once we create it.

Interested? Check it out and see if this book (and these bonuses) are right up your alley. Go to That's where I'm going today!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Psychology Behind Segments In Your Video - Marketing With Audio And Video

In today's Marketing With Audio And Video show, Andrew Lock shares the psychology behind the way he segments his show. I invite you to check out Andrew's fabulous marketing show("Help! My Business Sucks!") at His latest show is hysterical, as he goes a little off topic about movie trailers ruining movies, and a lady who thinks you have to dress up to go to Walmart.

Andrew's experience in television helped him determine the best sequence of segments in his show, starting with a headline, moving into chit chat, getting audience participation, and then going into the heavier information and lessons. His emphasis always is, however, on entertaining, which is how he attributes his #1 status on iTunes. I love to watch him because I always learn something, but I laugh basically all the way through the show. Plus, he's brutally honest in the Listener Questions section, even when it hurts - but it ALWAYS helps.

Do you have segments in YOUR audio or video show? If so, what are they and what is your thinking behind doing them? Do they help or hinder? Have you learned from them and changed them along the way? I'd love to hear from you about it, so please leave a comment below to share what you have learned.

Again, I invite you to download the free 30-page excerpt from "101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business)" at If you know of anyone else that can benefit from this book, please pass the information along to them as well. You can also send them to participate in our show live every Monday night at 9pm EST at This show is brought to you by Penny Haynes and the, where you get personal assistance from me plus simple software to create and post audio and video to promote your business.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Unconventional Marketing Tips from Andrew Lock of Help! My Business Sucks

In today's excerpt from the Marketing With Audio And Video show, Andrew Lock of "Help! My Business Sucks!" ( talks about his marketing and television background and his focus on unconventional marketing techniques. He gained a lot of marketing experience and knowledge while working as the manager for Paul Daniels, the "Johnny Carson" of Europe. He then combined his background in television with these marketing tips, and his show was born.

Andrew says that you shouldn't do your marketing just like the next guy, but do something different to stand out. I'd love to hear what you are doing that is unconventional in your marketing. Leave a comment and start a discussion about creative marketing techniques.

The next videos in this series will discuss how to break a show down into segments, and how Andrew creates his visual masterpiece. Make sure you check his site out and sign up to get updates when new shows are available. You will NOT regret it - I don't miss a single episode any more!

Remember that you can download the free 30-page excerpt from "101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business)" at If you know of anyone else that can benefit from this book, please pass the information along to them as well. This show is brought to you by Penny Haynes and the

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Disney is Naming The Park After Penny Haynes For 1 Year!

Disney is naming the park after me, Penny Haynes, Multimediapreneur, for a year! Wow! First I am named Greatest Business Mind In The World, and now THIS! What a year! :) P.S. Listen to the very end for a special surprise. hehehehehe

To get your own video (without my personalized ending), go to

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

YouTube Used as Reference Tool (Not Just For Funny Videos), Marketing With Audio And Video

YouTube is no longer just for funny videos, but is being used as a research tool. This 3 minute video will talk about the research habits of the upcoming generations, some statistics on viewing, and how YouTube is becoming the Wikipedia of the world. You can read the entire article at

And in case you haven't started marketing with audio and video yet, yesterday was better than today, but today is better than tomorrow! Start by downloading the free 30 page excerpt from "101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business)" at

Monday, January 19, 2009

Home Made Videos Can Be Good For Business (and other tips), Marketing With Audio And Video

Home made videos can be good for business, and try planning your video from the end - 2 lessons you learn in today's excerpt from the Marketing With Audio And Video Show with Penny Haynes and her guest, Lorraine Grula of Remember to get your free excerpt of "101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business)" at This show is brought to you by the

Slick videos can cause mistrust - people sometimes think that you're trying to pull one over on them. That's why home made videos are sometimes good for business. People see another business person trying to make a living, just like them, and it can be endearing.

Also, try planning your video from the end. Lorraine shares some great questions to keep in mind before you even pick up your camera. I then make those questions concrete by sharing how I would answer them for the Marketing With Audio And Video show.

Lastly, spend time watching tv and see how most shows are. They mainly have people sitting around and talking. Think you can do that? :)

On a personal note, today I printed out the manuscript for my book, "101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business)" in order to send it in to a publisher. The reaction from my Commercial Creation Center members and people on Twitter was interesting. Several people really pushed the idea of self-publishing instead. It's not that I hadn't thought of that - I just thought it would come across more as vanity publishing and less as a credentialed author. I was thinking that a major publisher would give me an expert status that I couldn't get otherwise.

What do you think? Have any of you been published by a major publisher? Would you do it again? Did you make any money at all? Did the "published author" status help you afterward? Let me know by leaving me a comment below, or contacting me via (my contact us system).

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Video Production Tips (Overview), Marketing With Audio And Video

Learn the definition of GOOD video in this overview of Video Production Tips on the Marketing With Audio And Video show with Penny Haynes. Lorraine Grula of has 30 years of professional video production experience, and will be sharing her knowledge in this next series of video excerpts from the Marketing With Audio And Video show.

Lorraine shares that in a survey of entrepreneurs, 70% of them said that video was the #1 thing they would pursue for their online marketing. As we've said before, video has become the most popular thing on the internet, with YouTube surpassing Google in page views.

We also discuss the 3 most important things your video MUST have in order to be considered a "good" video. The simplicity of them will surprise you, and you will be able to do all three easily.

If you are interested in discovering a lot of different ways to create and use audio and video to promote your business, I invite you to download my free 30 page excerpt from "101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business)". Just go to

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business)

Anna Farmery of The Engaging Brand plays devil's advocate and asks me questions that most small business owners would pose. The result is a lot of facts, statistics and examples of how different people are marketing with audio and video to promote their business, as well as what makes a video memorable.

To get your own copy of the free 30 page excerpt for "101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business)", just go to If this is something that you think would benefit your audience, network or clients, I can create a special affiliate version of the excerpt for you.

Penny Haynes,

And check out to learn more from Anna Farmery!

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mix And Match Videos and Other Time Saving Tips, Marketing With Audio And Video

Learn time saving tips when creating videos in this Marketing With Audio And Video excerpt with Kristy Nichols of You don't have to do one type of video format all the way through. You don't have to talk for 10 minutes without taking a break. You can mix and match formats and takes until you like what you have created. It doesn't have to take a lot of time, so get over your fears and just get started!

Remember to download your free excerpt of "101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business)" at This show is sponsored by Penny Haynes and the

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Proof That Marketing With Audio And Video WORKS!

A local radio station found me on Google and contacted me about working with them. This is proof yet again that using multimedia to increase your search engine rankings IS an effect and inexpensive way to get more clients.

It is similar to how Lifetime Television for Women hired me as Podcasting Consultant in 2006. The head of IT was listening to my Brain Storm! Business Podcast and suggested me when podcasting was put on the table in a meeting.

The only thing you are required to do is create and post good quality (not perfect) audio and video to the internet on a CONSISTENT basis. BE THERE when someone is searching for your area of expertise. As a matter of fact, be in many places - it is very impressive when you are found in more than one place.

I know you are busy with a million different things. I have spent the past 3 days taking care of a very sick dog. I am way behind where I should be. But I promised myself I would post at least 4 - 5 times a week to my blog. I only had 3 posts, and I was going to keep my commitment to myself, my business, and my hard earned Google rankings.

When you are too tired to record, then ask yourself, "How badly do I want new clients?" If you want it bad enough, you will find a way to make it happen, and discipline yourself to get at least one show a week completed. You don't have to be as ambitious as I am with 4 - 5 posts a week. Just get one a week out to start marketing with audio and video.

So I hope I have inspired you to keep on creating and posting on a regular schedule. There IS reason to do it - there are clients out there looking for you, but you MUST be on the first few pages of Google to be found by them.

Penny Haynes,

P.S. 101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business) is being released next week. Please help yourself to the free excerpt and/or the complete book at

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Creating A Script That Sounds Natural (Part 2), Marketing With Audio And Video

In this Marketing With Audio And Video excerpt, Kristy Nichols and I (Penny Haynes) conclude our discussion of how to make natural script writing easy and quick. Some tips include starting small at first with shorter, simpler projects, and using a free teleprompter you can find at

As a late breaking news brief, I have more proof that marketing with audio and video works, and works well. Tonight, I was contacted by someone from a local radio station who found me by searching on Google. He followed the breadcrumbs, and went from site to site of mine, and called me immediately about possibly being interviewed on an early morning radio show talking about podcasting and online video, and also possibly helping their sales force use online audio and video to better produce and make their presentations with the Commercial Creation Center.

Now, all I am doing is posting audio and video, and making sure that I always put a link to my important (or relevant) sites. Doing it on a consistent basis helps me stay at the top of search engine rankings. You NEVER know who may run across you while they are researching a topic.

So, as I have said before, put a link back to your business in EVERY POST. It bolsters your search engine rankings. In my blog feed, I have an automatic "signature", which adds my name and Commercial Creation Center link to the bottom of every post, so I don't have to worry about forgetting it. So everywhere that my blog/podcast is syndicated, there is the link to my business.

Lastly, '101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business) comes out next week, come hell or high water (which means with or without graphics, in my case). I just want to get the show on the road, and get this book into the hands of people who are struggling to build their business, and show them that it can be quick, easy and inexpensive to do it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Looking for 10 Sponsors For the '101 Things To Do With Audio And Video' Free Viral Ebook

101 Things To Do With Audio And Video will have a free viral ebook excerpt & this is how you can be a sponsor.

I am about to release "101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business)." I will have a free viral ebook excerpt, and the full version for $19.99. No one has ever done a book on this subject, so I have cornered the market on the topic. Additionally, this topic is generic enough to fit any entrepreneur. I'll be promoting it all throughout 2009.

The point of the ebook, beyond sales of the full version, is to invite people to try the Commercial Creation Center, with which very few of you would be in competition. I help people who have never created audio and video before produce and post multimedia to the internet. I don't offer copy writing, other marketing information, VA services, etc. - I focus on creating multimedia and then posting it to social media and social networking sites. That's all.

I have decided to add 10 sponsor ads to the viral ebook. I already have partners ready to distribute it as a free resource. I will also be doing another Online International Podcasting Expo again this year, and this will be what I will be giving away to registrants. The ads MUST be related to the topics of audio, video, social media, social networking, marketing, business and business resources.

There will not be any competitive ads, so ads will go first-come, first-served per niche. Therefore, if you are a VA who helps people with posting podcasts or doing social media, only one of you will be promoted.

Other great complementary sponsors (apart from a VA) would be

* Copy writers, or people who help people with copy writing
* Info product coaches
* Internet Marketing Coaches
* Social Media Experts (I can do different experts who specialize in different sites)
* Social Networking Experts (I can do different experts who specialize in different sites)
* Advanced Video Production Experts (using Green Screens and lighting, etc.)
* Public Relations
* Graphic Artists
* Web Designers
* Ezine Specialists

Even if you don't see your industry listed, if you think you would make a good match for this ebook, send in your idea.

The cost is $100 per month, with no contracts or minimum of months. You get a 1/2 page ad, never on the same page as or near another ad, so nothing else will be competing for their attention. Anyone who reads this book WILL see your ad.

If you decide you no longer want to advertise, then your ad will be removed from the ebook and replaced with someone else's. Payment will be via Paypal Subscription, and you can cancel whenever you like. But you have to give me 2 weeks' notice to replace your ad.

For being a sponsor:

* I will send you a copy of the unformatted text, so you can see what I am sending out.
* Sponsors will also get the full version for themselves,
* I will give away a full version of the book as a prize to your clients (1 for every month you advertise).
* People get the free ebook by registering at the Commercial Creation Center (CCC), so if you register there and share the book using the affiliate link, as a sponsor you will receive 50% commissions on the book.
* I will also create a special version of the ebook for you that puts YOUR ad on the inside cover, so it is the first one they see. When people sign up under your affiliate link, they will receive YOUR version of the ebook (as long as you are still a sponsor).
* I will also place a personalized Paypal Buy Now Button in your version of the ebook. That way, if anyone forwards the ebook and the receiver buys the book without registering at the CCC, you will still get commission from the sale.

So please comment below if you would like to be a part of this book. I would like to release it no later than 1/19/09.

Penny Haynes,

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Monday, January 5, 2009

Creating A Script That Sounds Natural (Part 1), Marketing With Audio And Video

In today's video excerpt from the Marketing With Audio And Video show, Kristy Nichols reveals her technique for creating scripts and outlines that sound natural. So often, people are fine when they are talking to themselves, but suddenly try to be someone else and lose their authenticity once the camera starts rolling. This is part one, and we will finish up our script writing topic in Part 2 later this week.

I recently rewarded myself for the completion of the text for my upcoming book, "101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business). My reward was allowing myself to go back to programming and start adding additional features to the Commercial Creation Center. I had to force myself NOT to program, because when I do, hours fly by and I get nothing else done. I think I programmed for over 12 hours, and loved every second of it.

So far, I have added the ability to select a PORTION of an audio file (as well as an entire audio file) as the matching audio for a slide in a Slide Show Video. I have added menu links to other upload and special feature sites, and a link to re-open the opening Tip (to read about the different features and functions). I have a list of 10 features I want to add, and then I'll release the latest version. It should all coincide with the release of my book this month, which makes it even more exciting for me.

Please leave me a comment if you like this video, or if you have another method for creating a script for your own audio/video projects. I'd love to share them with others in an upcoming show, or possibly feature you in an upcoming episode of Marketing With Audio And Video!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Quick Brainstorming Techniques, Marketing With Audio And Video

In today's Marketing With Audio And Video excerpt, Kristy Nichols (the Average Goddess) and I discuss great, quick brainstorming techniques, so you don't have to worry about what to talk about in your audios and videos.

We talk about online and offline resources, when to brainstorm, how to capture the information, and more.

Be looking for the release of "101 Things To Do With Audio And Video (To Promote Your Business)", my latest book, during January 2009. There will be a free excerpt available for everyone, so make sure to get your copy!

Friday, January 2, 2009

6 Web Cam Tips from Penny Haynes, Marketing With Audio And Video

In today's episode of Marketing With Audio And Video, I use a web cam to give you 6 web cam tips. I simultaneously show you how to connect your video clips with short "slide videos".

I am an advocate for breaking up your videos into smaller, more manageable (and less stressful) chunks. Talk for a little while on a subject, then stop, save it, and record the next section. You don't have to script it if you are talking on a subject you know well.

The only issue is the transition between the clips - you will not start the next video in the exact same position as you ended the last video, and that can look jarring. One solution is to create single-slide videos to place in between each web cam clip. Type outline points on your slide (and make sure to put the web site address of your business at the bottom of each slide). Then, when you mix your videos together, you alternate between slides and web cam video.

Another solution is to use transitions between your slides, if your program allows for that. An alternative would be to vary your shots - do a close up, and then a full shot. You don't want to do too many different shots, though - it will end up looking like you couldn't remember where you positioned the camera in your last shot.

Another thing I recommend (but did not discuss in this video) is to place a caption throughout your video. If someone likes it and re-posts it, you want your contact information to be visible all the time. If you don't brand your video, other people can actually take credit for it in some fashion.