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Monday, May 4, 2009

Local Online Search Surpasses General Search

In a recent article sent to me by one of our Online Community Magazine owners, Diane Corriette of, research shows that local search is growing more rapidly than regular online search. Check out the article for yourself here.

With the way the economy is,

  • people are caught between needing desperately to market themselves and differentiate themselves from their competitors, but NOT having the money to do it.
  • In addition, there are endless numbers of people without a job or a way to support their families.

Now, for those of you who don't know, I created a software that is a combination YouTube + iTunes + Google for your local community. It is called Online Community Magazines, and helps offline businesses market in their local community with text, images, audio and video. All it needs is someone to run it and get people on board.

Previously, the software was priced at $5,000, but with the economy the way it is, that pricing no longer makes sense. Accordingly, I have decided to totally restructure Online Community Magazines to make it completely affordable for ANYONE to have their magazine up IMMEDIATELY and to start making money while offering hope to all of the local businesses that are struggling.

This is what I am offering:

  • an Online Community Magazine set up for your community (including Multimedia Business Directory, Internet TV & Radio, Forum, Coupon Site),
  • PLUS $1500 in multimedia production courses to help you train at home to produce audio & video for local businesses, for only $500 to set up and start!

For only $500, I will set up your magazine so you can start offering inexpensive text, image, audio and video advertising for local businesses IMMEDIATELY. After that, your investment is only $250 a month WITHOUT ANY LOCKED-IN CONTRACTS.

With only 10 local businesses paying $50/month so they can upload unlimited press releases, audios and videos (which ALL stay on their page to help their search engine rankings), that pays for your set up, and allows you to start making $250/month profit. ADD MORE CLIENTS, KEEP ALL OF THE EXTRA PROFIT!

Some businesses may be do-it-yourselfers, and want to create their own multimedia to post on the magazine and back onto their own web page. They can sign up for the Commercial Creation Center for only $19.99 a month to easily create their audios and videos (and you get 25% commission every month that they use it).

However, many businesses just want someone else to handle it for them - so THAT'S WHY I'VE ADDED $1500 IN MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION COURSES, so you can make even MORE MONEY creating commercials and how-to-shows for local businesses!

So check out the new information at and find out how you can start your new business THIS WEEK for only $500, and get $1500 in Multimedia Production Courses to train for your new career as a Multimedia Marketer.

Any questions? Give me a call at 678-459-2437, and we'll brainstorm about how to get you started in your new career.

Penny Haynes

P.S. I almost forgot! If you know of someone else who would be a perfect match for this opportunity, you get 20% commission from their magazine FOR AS LONG AS IT REMAINS ACTIVE!

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